heres every deal xboxs massive ultimate game sale
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Xbox è di nuovo. Nel periodo più calmo dell'anno per i videogiochi, quando non ci sono così tante cose nuove da giocare, Xbox lancia la sua ultima vendita di giochi. Ciò significa che un bajillion di giochi sono scontati su Xbox One e Xbox 360 fino al 30 luglio.
Abbiamo fatto il lavoro per completare ogni affare (o quello che sembra ogni affare) nella vendita. I prezzi indicati sono per gli abbonati Xbox Live Gold. Chiunque senza Xbox Live Gold dovrà pagare un po 'di più - di solito circa un 10% di ricarica.
Ecco alcune offerte straordinarie per quanto ci riguarda: Cuphead ($ 15,99), Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition ($ 6,00), PUBG ($ 20,09), Preda e Disonorato 2 pacchetto ($ 26,00), Resident Evil 7 Gold Edition ($ 29,99), Tacoma ($ 10,00) e La vita è strana stagione 1 ($ 4,00).
Vai avanti e consulta questo elenco gigante e vedi se qualcosa è di tuo gradimento. In tal caso, ecco dove puoi effettivamente trovare i giochi per acquistarli. È il fine settimana strano e ti stai divertendo un po ', forse grazie ad alcuni videogiochi economici.
Xbox One:- 2Dark ($ 6,00)
- 7 Days To Die ($ 15,00)
- Abzu ($ 10,00)
- Adam's Venture: Origins ($ 7,50)
- Aria ($ 9,90)
- Agents Of Mayhem ($ 7,50)
- Agents Of Mayhem - Pacchetto skin per bombe ($ 1,19)
- Agents Of Mayhem - Carnage A Trois Skins Pack ($ 1,19)
- Agents Of Mayhem - Johnny Gat Agent Pack ($ 2,99)
- Agents Of Mayhem - Lazarus Agent Pack ($ 2,99)
- Agents Of Mayhem - Safeword Agent Pack ($ 2,99)
- Agents Of Mayhem - Bundle caos totale ($ 10,00)
- Alekhine's Gun ($ 12,00)
- Pacchetto 3 in 1 di Arcade Game Series ($ 4,00)
- Fogli: Aberrazione ($ 11,99)
- Ark: Scorched Earth ($ 8,00)
- Ark: Survival Evolved Explorer's Edition ($ 50,00)
- Ark: Survival Evolved Season Pass ($ 22,50)
- Arslan: The Warriors Of Legend ($ 30,00)
- Assemblea ($ 4,00)
- Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag ($ 12,00)
- Assassin's Creed Origins ($ 30,00)
- Assassin's Creed Origins - Gold Edition ($ 50,00)
- Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered ($ 20,09)
- Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection ($ 20,00)
- Assassin's Creed Unity ($ 12,00)
- Ultimate Race Set ($ 33,99)
- Ritorno al futuro: il gioco - 30th Anniversary Edition ($ 6,00)
- Bastione ($ 7,50)
- Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition ($ 20,00)
- Batman: Arkham Knight Season Pass ($ 10,00)
- Batman: Return To Arkham ($ 10,00)
- Batman: The Enemy Within - The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) ($ 14,99)
- Batman: The Telltale Series - The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) ($ 10,00)
- Battle Worlds: Kronos ($ 3,00)
- Battlefield 1 Premium Pass ($ 12,50)
- Pacchetto Anniversario Battlefield ($ 40,00)
- Battlezone Gold Edition ($ 23,44)
- Bushido bianco e nero ($ 6,50)
- Black The Fall ($ 8,99)
- Blood Bowl 2 ($ 5,00)
- Boom Ball 1 + 2 + 3 Bundle ($ 12,50)
- Borderlands: The Handsome Collection ($ 19,80)
- Botanical Blaster ($ 2,99)
- Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons ($ 6,00)
- Bulletstorm: Bundle Duke Nukem Full Clip Edition ($ 14,85)
- Burnout Paradise Remastered ($ 20,00)
- Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold Edition ($ 19,80)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Chronicles Edition ($ 30,00)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Deluxe ($ 59,99)
- Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Legacy Edition ($ 40,00)
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered ($ 23,99)
- Call Of Duty: WWII - Gold Edition ($ 38,99)
- Cars 3: Driven To Win ($ 20,00)
- Chess Ultra ($ 9,37)
- Chroma Squad ($ 7,50)
- Cities: Skylines - Content Creator Pack ($ 7,99)
- Cities: Skylines - Premium Edition ($ 35,00)
- Cities: Skylines - Season Pass ($ 27,99)
- Cities: Skylines - Snowfall ($ 7,79)
- Cities: Skylines - Xbox One Edition ($ 16,00)
- City Of Brass ($ 16,99)
- Conan Exiles ($ 29,99)
- Builder ($ 20,00)
- Cuphead ($ 15,99)
- Dangerous Golf ($ 6,60)
- Dark Souls II: Scholar Of The First Sin ($ 10,00)
- Dark Souls III ($ 15,00)
- Dark Souls III - Deluxe Edition ($ 28,05)
- From Blob 2 ($ 9,90)
- Dead By Daylight: Special Edition ($ 15,00)
- Dead Island Retro Revenge ($ 2,00)
- Dead Rising 2 ($ 8,00)
- Dead Rising 4 ($ 23,99)
- Dead Rising 4 Season Pass ($ 13,39)
- Dead Rising Triple Bundle Pack ($ 23,80)
- Deadbeat Heroes ($ 10,49)
- Deadlight: Director's Cut ($ 3,00)
- Defense Grid 2 ($ 2,25)
- Pacchetto definitivo ($ 39,99)
- Destiny 2 - Bundle Game + Expansion Pass ($ 19,80)
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided ($ 6,00)
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition ($ 9,00)
- Digerati Couch Co-Op Bundle Vol.1 ($ 10,65)
- Digerati Indie Darling Bundle ($ 23,99)
- Digerati Pixel Art Bundle Part 1 ($ 40,39)
- Dirt 4 ($ 15,00)
- Dishonored 2 ($ 20,00)
- Dishonored Definitive Edition ($ 10,00)
- Dishonored The Complete Collection ($ 32,00)
- Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider ($ 20,09)
- Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition ($ 10,00)
- Doom ($ 14,99)
- Doom + Wolfenstein II Bundle ($ 26,40)
- Double Dragon Pack ($ 6,00)
- Dragon Age: Inquisition - GOTY Edition ($ 13,20)
- Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC Bundle ($ 9,90)
- Dragon Ball Fighterz - Fighterz Edition ($ 66,49)
- Dragon Ball Fighterz - Ultimate Edition ($ 76,99)
- Capitoli Dreamfall ($ 10,00)
- Dying Light ($ 13,99)
- Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition ($ 17,99)
- Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires ($ 25,00)
- Dynomighty Miner ($ 2,99)
- Pacchetto Eclipse ($ 6,00)
- Elex ($ 24,00)
- Elite Dangerous Standard Edition ($ 15,00)
- Elite Dangerous: Commander Deluxe Edition ($ 30,00)
- Elite Dangerous: Horizons Season Pass ($ 17,99)
- End Of Zoe ($ 11,99)
- Pacchetto Enigmatis ($ 23,99)
- Enigmatis Collection ($ 35,99)
- Enter The Gungeon ($ 7,49)
- Everspace ($ 11,99)
- Extreme Exorcism ($ 4,19)
- F1 2016 ($ 10,00)
- Fallout 4 ($ 15,00)
- Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop ($ 2,99)
- Fallout 4: Far Harbour ($ 14,99)
- Fallout 4: GOTY Edition ($ 30,00)
- Fallout 4: Nuka-World ($ 11,99)
- Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop ($ 2,99)
- Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop ($ 2,99)
- Far Cry 4 ($ 20,00)
- Far Cry 4 Gold Edition ($ 24,00)
- Far Cry 5 ($ 40,19)
- Far Cry Primal ($ 25,00)
- Far Cry Primal - Apex Edition ($ 27,50)
- Far Cry 5 Gold Edition ($ 60,29)
- Fe ($ 10,00)
- Fear Effect Sedna ($ 13,99)
- Final Fantasy Type-0 HD ($ 10,00)
- Pompieri: Airport Fire Department ($ 20,09)
- Flatout 4: Total Insanity ($ 15,00)
- Flinthook ($ 10,04)
- For Honor And Glory ($ 65,59)
- For Honor Gold Edition ($ 25,00)
- Forgotton Anne ($ 15,99)
- Forza Motorsport 7 Deluxe Edition ($ 39,99)
- Forza Motorsport 7 Standard Edition ($ 29,99)
- Forza Motorsport 7 VIP ($ 4,99)
- Gelo ($ 10,39)
- Full Metal Furies ($ 13,39)
- Furious And Fast Duo ($ 60,79)
- Game Of Thrones - The Complete First Season (Episodes 1-6) ($ 6,00)
- Gears Of War 4 ($ 19,99)
- Gears Of War 4 Season Pass ($ 24,99)
- Gears Of War 4 Ultimate Edition ($ 29,99)
- Gears Of War Ultimate Edition Deluxe Version ($ 20,00)
- Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition - Day One Version ($ 10,00)
- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Director's Cut ($ 3,75)
- Grand Theft Auto V ($ 40,19)
- Grand Theft Auto V & Great White Shark Cash Card ($ 29,99)
- Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition ($ 32,99)
- Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card Bundle ($ 60,00)
- Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card Bundle ($ 80,00)
- Grand Theft Auto V: pacchetto Premium Online Edition e Whale Shark Card ($ 75,00)
- Ghiaia ($ 20,00)
- Grim Legends Bundle ($ 23,99)
- Grim Legends Collection ($ 35,99)
- GTA Online: Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack ($ 19,49)
- Hasbro Family Fun Pack ($ 16,00)
- Il sacrificio di Hellblade vecchia ($ 17.99)
- Hello Neighbor ($ 19,49)
- Homefront: The Revolution ($ 9,00)
- Homefront: The Revolution 'freedom Fighter' Bundle ($ 10,00)
- Homefront: The Revolution - Aftermath DLC ($ 3,00)
- Homefront: The Revolution Expansion Pass ($ 7,50)
- Come sopravvivere 2 ($ 7,50)
- Hyper Sentinel ($ 11,99)
- I Hate Running Backwards ($ 10,04)
- Impact Winter ($ 10,00)
- Industry Giant 2 ($ 20,00)
- Industry Giant 2: 1980-2020 ($ 5,00)
- Infinite Air With Mark Mcmorris ($ 12,00)
- Injustice 2 ($ 23,99)
- Injustice 2 - Legendary Edition ($ 41,99)
- Pacchetto Inside & Limbo ($ 26,99)
- Ironcast Complete Collection ($ 10,49)
- Jotun: Valhalla Edition ($ 4,95)
- Jumpstart Pack ($ 12,74)
- Just Cause 3 ($ 6,00)
- Just Cause 3 Xl Edition ($ 9,00)
- Just Cause 3: Pass di espansione aereo, terrestre e marittimo ($ 3,75)
- Just Cause 3: Bavarium Sea Heist ($ 1,80)
- Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress ($ 3,60)
- Just Dance 2018 ($ 30,00)
- Kami HD ($ 13,99)
- Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition ($ 27,99)
- Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition ($ 10,00)
- Kona ($ 7,50)
- Land Adventures ($ 19,49)
- Late Shift ($ 7,49)
- Azione legale in sospeso DLC - Edizione digitale ($ 0,89)
- Lego Jurassic World ($ 8,00)
- Lego Marvel Super Heroes ($ 8,00)
- Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 ($ 24,00)
- Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 Deluxe Edition ($ 30,00)
- Lego Marvel Super Heroes Deluxe Bundle ($ 37,50)
- Lego Marvel's Avengers ($ 8,00)
- Lego Marvel's Avengers Deluxe Edition ($ 12,00)
- Lego Movies Game Bundle ($ 25,00)
- Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens ($ 8,00)
- Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe Edition ($ 12,00)
- Lego The Incredibles ($ 41,99)
- Pacchetto Liberty ($ 1,50)
- Life Is Strange Complete Season (episodi 1-5) ($ 4,00)
- Life Is Strange: Before The Storm Complete Season ($ 8,50)
- Life Is Strange: Before The Storm Deluxe Edition ($ 12,50)
- Pacchetto Light & Dark ($ 22,49)
- Little Nightmares ($ 8,00)
- Little Nightmares Complete Edition ($ 12,00)
- Little Triangle ($ 10,04)
- Lost Grimoires Bundle ($ 23,99)
- Mad Max ($ 10,00)
- Mafia III ($ 16,00)
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite ($ 15,99)
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Black Panther ($ 3,99)
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Black Widow ($ 5,59)
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe Edition ($ 23,99)
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Monster Hunter ($ 3,99)
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Sigma ($ 3,99)
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - World Warriors Costume Pack ($ 5,99)
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Character Pass ($ 11,99)
- Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Premium Costume Pass ($ 11,99)
- Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy: The Telltale Series - The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) ($ 10,00)
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance ($ 10,00)
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 ($ 10,00)
- Mass Effect: Andromeda - Deluxe Recruit Edition ($ 13,20)
- Masters Of Anima ($ 10,00)
- Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2 ($ 35,99)
- Megalodon Shark Cash Card ($ 84,99)
- Mercenary Kings ($ 13,39)
- Metal Gear Survive ($ 26,79)
- Metro 2033 Redux ($ 5,00)
- Pacchetto Metro Redux ($ 7,50)
- Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor - GOTY Edition ($ 10,00)
- Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War ($ 24,99)
- Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Gold Edition ($ 35,99)
- Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Silver Edition ($ 27,99)
- Possente n. 9 ($ 5,00)
- Mighty No. 9 - Ray Expansion ($ 2,50)
- Mighty No. 9 - Retro Hero ($ 1,50)
- Minecraft: Story Mode - Adventure Pass (episodi aggiuntivi 6-8) ($ 3,00)
- Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two - The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) ($ 12,50)
- Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure (Episodes 1-8) ($ 9,00)
- Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) ($ 6,00)
- Mirror's Edge Catalyst ($ 5,00)
- Mortal Kombat Xl ($ 10,00)
- Pacchetto contenuto multiplayer ($ 4,94)
- Murdered: Soul Suspect ($ 3,00)
- NBA 2K18 ($ 19,80)
- NBA Live 18: The One Edition ($ 4,50)
- Necropoli ($ 7,50)
- Need For Speed Payback ($ 20,00)
- Need For Speed Payback - Deluxe Edition ($ 24,00)
- Neverwinter: Adventurer Edition Pack ($ 11,99)
- Neverwinter: Epic Edition Pack ($ 17,99)
- Neverwinter: Starter Edition Pack ($ 5,99)
- Nightmares From The Deep Bundle ($ 23,99)
- Nightmares From The Deep Collection ($ 35,99)
- Oh ... signore! The Hollywood Roast ($ 3,99)
- Ooo: Ascension ($ 11,24)
- Ori And The Blind Forest: Definitive Edition ($ 10,00)
- Pacchetto Outbreak ($ 6,00)
- Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles ($ 2,50)
- Outbreak: The Nightmare Collection ($ 7,50)
- Emarginato - Secondo contatto ($ 20,00)
- Overcooked: Gourmet Edition ($ 19,34)
- Overwatch Legendary Edition ($ 38,99)
- Owlboy ($ 17,49)
- Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 ($ 5,20)
- Paladins Champions Pack ($ 22,49)
- Paladins Season Pass 2018 ($ 29,99)
- Past Cure ($ 20,99)
- Payday 2 - Crimewave Edition - Il pacchetto DLC Big Score! ($ 20.00)
- Pillars Of Eternity: Complete Edition ($ 15,00)
- Pinball Fx3 - Aliens vs. Pinball ($ 4,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Balls Of Glory Pinball ($ 4,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Carnivals & Legends ($ 2,79)
- Pinball Fx3 - Core Collection ($ 3,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Iron & Steel Pack ($ 1,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Jurassic World Pinball ($ 6,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Marvel Pinball Original Pack ($ 4,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Marvel Pinball Season 2 Bundle ($ 14,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Marvel Pinball: Cinematic Pack ($ 4,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Marvel Pinball: Heavy Hitters ($ 4,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Marvel Pinball: Marvel Legends Pack ($ 4,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Marvel Pinball: Marvel's Women Of Power ($ 3,49)
- Pinball Fx3 - Marvel Pinball: Vengeance And Virtue ($ 4,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Medieval Pack ($ 1,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Sci-Fi Pack ($ 3,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Star Wars Pinball Season 1 Bundle ($ 11,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Star Wars Pinball: Balance Of The Force ($ 4,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within ($ 4,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Star Wars Pinball: The Last Jedi ($ 4,89)
- Pinball Fx3 - Star Wars Pinball: Unsung Heroes ($ 3,49)
- Pinball Fx3 - The Walking Dead ($ 1,49)
- Pinball Fx3 - Zen Classics ($ 3,99)
- Pinball Fx3 - Zen Originals Season 1 Bundle ($ 9,99)
- Gessato ($ 10,04)
- Playerunknown's Battlegrounds ($ 20,09)
- Portal Knights ($ 10,00)
- Portal Knights - Bibot Box ($ 2,24)
- Portal Knights -Emoji Box ($ 2,24)
- Portal Knights -Lobot Box ($ 2,24)
- Portale di flipper ($ 1,49)
- Power Bundle (2017) ($ 20,99)
- Prey ($ 15,00)
- Prey + Dishonored 2 Bundle ($ 26,00)
- Prey: Digital Deluxe Edition ($ 29,99)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 ($ 20,09)
- Professional Farmer 2017 - Gold Edition ($ 22,50)
- Project Cars 2 ($ 24,00)
- Project Cars Digital Edition ($ 7,50)
- Pacchetto prototipo Biohazard ($ 16,50)
- Q.u.b.e. 2 ($ 16,74)
- Quantum Break ($ 20,00)
- Rayman Legends ($ 5,00)
- ReCore ($ 14,99)
- Resident Evil ($ 8,00)
- Resident Evil 0 ($ 10,00)
- Resident Evil 4 ($ 8,00)
- Resident Evil 5 ($ 8,00)
- Resident Evil 6 ($ 8,00)
- Resident Evil 7 Biohazard ($ 19,49)
- Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Gold Edition ($ 29,99)
- Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Season Pass ($ 17,99)
- Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Banned Footage Vol.1 ($ 5,99)
- Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Banned Footage Vol.2 ($ 8,99)
- Resident Evil Revelations ($ 8,00)
- Pacchetto Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 ($ 16,00)
- Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition ($ 12,00)
- Resident Evil Triple Pack ($ 23,80)
- Pacchetto Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins ($ 13,20)
- Pacchetto spirito rivoluzionario ($ 2,50)
- Pass stagionale di Rise Of The Tomb Raider ($ 9,00)
- Rise Of The Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration ($ 18,00)
- Road Rage ($ 12,00)
- Robocraft Infinity ($ 12,99)
- Bundle Rock Band 4 Rivals ($ 38,99)
- Rock Band Rivals Expansion ($ 19,49)
- Rogue Legacy ($ 5,99)
- Rush: A Disneypixar Adventure ($ 19,49)
- Ryse: Legendary Edition ($ 7,50)
- Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle ($ 6,00)
- Saints Row IV: Re-Elected ($ 6,00)
- Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell ($ 4,50)
- Screamride ($ 7,50)
- Scribblenauts Showdown ($ 20,00)
- Sea Of Thieves ($ 47,99)
- Shenmue I & II ($ 26,99)
- Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter ($ 16,50)
- Sierra Games Collection ($ 39,99)
- Skyforge: Demonic Cold Weapon Pack ($ 14,29)
- Skyforge: Revenant Collector's Edition ($ 20,99)
- Skyforge: Starter Pack 2.0 ($ 6,99)
- Skyrim Special Edition + Fallout 4 G.o.t.y Bundle ($ 40,00)
- Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition ($ 4,50)
- Pacchetto Smite Ultimate God Pack ($ 20,09)
- Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition ($ 12,00)
- Sniper Elite 4 ($ 18,00)
- Sniper Elite 4 Digital Deluxe Edition ($ 27,00)
- Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass Edition ($ 16,00)
- Bundle Songbringer ($ 9,99)
- South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Gold Edition ($ 29,70)
- South Park: The Stick Of Truth ($ 20,09)
- Sparkle Bundle ($ 12,79)
- Sferoidi ($ 3,99)
- Spintires: Mudrunner (.00)
- Star Wars Battlefront II ($ 15,00)
- Starter Pack di Lexcorp ($ 4,79)
- State Of Decay 2 ($ 23,99)
- State Of Decay 2: Ultimate Edition ($ 39,99)
- State Of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition ($ 7,50)
- Ripido ($ 20,99)
- Steep - Winter Games Gold Edition ($ 40,00)
- Stranger Of Sword City ($ 10,12)
- Combattimento ($ 4,95)
- Styx: Master Of Shadows ($ 7,50)
- Styx: Master Of Shadows + Styx: Shards Of Darkness ($ 15,00)
- Styx: Shards Of Darkness ($ 12,50)
- Sunset Overdrive ($ 7,50)
- Sunset Overdrive Deluxe Edition ($ 12,50)
- Super Blackjack Battle II Turbo Edition ($ 6,39)
- Super Destronaut Dx ($ 4,24)
- Super Lucky's Tale ($ 17,99)
- Pacchetto Super Mega Baseball 2 Leadoff ($ 33,74)
- Surviving Mars ($ 27,99)
- Surviving Mars - Digital Deluxe Edition ($ 34,99)
- Surviving Mars - First Colony Edition ($ 44,99)
- Tacoma ($ 9,99)
- Tales From The Borderlands Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) ($ 4,50)
- Team17 Indie Heroes Pack ($ 43,21)
- Tekken 7 ($ 24,00)
- Tekken 7 - Deluxe Edition ($ 34,00)
- Tera: Elite Status (30 giorni) ($ 10,04)
- Tera: Swimsuit Trio Pack ($ 5,00)
- Terraria ($ 10,00)
- The Adventure Pals ($ 10,04)
- The Bioware Bundle ($ 19,80)
- The Bunker ($ 8,00)
- The Count Lucanor ($ 4,49)
- The Elder Scrolls Online ($ 10,00)
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset ($ 29,99)
- The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Collector's Edition ($ 44,99)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition ($ 20,00)
- The Escapists: Supermax Edition ($ 25,19)
- The Evil Within ($ 10,00)
- The Evil Within 2 ($ 24,00)
- The Evil Within Digital Bundle ($ 12,00)
- The Jackbox Party Pack 4 ($ 12,50)
- The Jackbox Party Quadpack ($ 74,99)
- The Long Dark ($ 12,00)
- The Shadow Warrior Collection ($ 59,49)
- The Sims 4 ($ 20,00)
- Pacchetto The Sims 4: mettiti al lavoro, cena fuori, cucina raffinata ($ 25,00)
- The Sims 4 City Living ($ 20,00)
- The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Stuff ($ 5,99)
- The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition ($ 24,00)
- The Sims 4 Dine Out ($ 11,99)
- The Sims 4 Luxury Party Stuff ($ 5,99)
- The Sims 4 Perfect Patio Stuff ($ 5,99)
- The Sims 4 Romantic Garden Stuff ($ 5,99)
- The Sims 4 Vampires ($ 11,99)
- The Surge ($ 12,50)
- The Surge: A Walk In The Park ($ 10,04)
- The Surge: Complete Edition ($ 23,10)
- The Telltale Mega Collection ($ 77,99)
- The Voice Of Freedom ($ 3,00)
- The Walking Dead Collection - The Telltale Series ($ 29,99)
- The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) ($ 14,99)
- The Walking Dead: Season Two ($ 7,50)
- The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season ($ 7,50)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ($ 20,00)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood And Wine ($ 10,00)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition ($ 20,00)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts Of Stone ($ 5,00)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion Pass ($ 12,50)
- The Wolf Among Us ($ 7,50)
- This War Of Mine: The Little Ones ($ 5,00)
- Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition ($ 6,00)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Deluxe Edition ($ 23,10)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Standard Edition ($ 19,80)
- Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands - Gold Edition ($ 33,00)
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege ($ 25,00)
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Advanced Edition ($ 30,00)
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Gold Edition ($ 53,99)
- Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition ($ 6,00)
- Trackmania Turbo ($ 16,00)
- Trials Fusion ($ 6,60)
- Trials Of The Blood Dragon ($ 6,00)
- Trials Of The Blood Dragon + Trials Fusion Awesome Max Edition ($ 14,85)
- Tropico 5 - Complete Collection ($ 16,00)
- Tropico 5 - Penultimate Edition ($ 12,50)
- UFC 3 Icon Edition ($ 38,49)
- Ultimate Edition (2017) ($ 53,99)
- Unbox: Newbie's Adventure ($ 9,00)
- Unit 4: Couch Attack Bundle ($ 13,59)
- Universal Classics Pinball ($ 4,99)
- Uno ($ 5,00)
- Unravel Two ($ 15,99)
- Pacchetto Interactive Interactive Wales ($ 62,39)
- Watch Dogs ($ 12,00)
- Watch Dogs Complete Edition ($ 20,00)
- Watch Dogs 2 ($ 18,00)
- Watch Dogs 2 - Deluxe Edition ($ 21,00)
- Watch Dogs 2 - Gold Edition ($ 30,00)
- We Happy Few ($ 50,99)
- We Happy Few Digital Deluxe ($ 67,99)
- Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles Season Pass ($ 14,99)
- Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus ($ 24,00)
- Wolfenstein: The New Order ($ 10,00)
- Wolfenstein: The Old Blood ($ 10,00)
- Wolfenstein: The Two-Pack ($ 15,00)
Xbox 360:
domande e risposte dell'intervista di prova automatizzata
- Alan Wake's American Nightmare ($ 2,49)
- Alice: Madness Returns ($ 4,99)
- Army Of Two ($ 4,94)
- Assassin's Creed III ($ 9,99)
- Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag ($ 7,99)
- Batman - The Telltale Series - Season Pass ($ 7,99)
- Batman: The Telltale Series ($ 1,99)
- Beyond Good & Evil HD ($ 3,29)
- BioShock ($ 7,99)
- BioShock 2 ($ 7,99)
- BioShock Infinite ($ 8,99)
- Burnout Revenge ($ 6,99)
- Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare ($ 14,99)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops ($ 14,99)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops II ($ 16,49)
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ($ 14,99)
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ($ 14,99)
- Castlevania Harmony Of Despair ($ 3,74)
- Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2 ($ 9,99)
- Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night ($ 4,99)
- Contro ($ 2,49)
- Crackdown ($ 3,74)
- Crackdown 2 ($ 4,99)
- Crystal Defenders ($ 4,99)
- Day Attack On Earth ($ 7,49)
- Dead Island ($ 2,99)
- Dead Island Riptide ($ 2,99)
- Dead Rising ($ 5,99)
- Dead Rising 2 Off The Record ($ 5,99)
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution ($ 1,49)
- Dragon Age 2 ($ 7,99)
- Fable II ($ 4,99)
- Fable III ($ 4,99)
- Fable Trilogy ($ 14,99)
- Fallout 3 ($ 7,49)
- Fallout 3 - Broken Steel ($ 2,99)
- Fallout 3 - Mothership Zeta ($ 2,99)
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